Konami has a handful of big franchises, but its biggest are Metal Gear Solid and Pro Evolution Soccer. Last year, a Pro Evo game was released, but other than an iPhone game, no MGS. How did that affect the company?
The Tokyo-based game company has announced its consolidated results for the nine months ending on December 31, 2009. Net revenues were ¥190 billion, a 18 percent decrease compared with the previous year. But operating income was down 50.6 percent, income before taxes was down 49.2 percent and Konami Corporation's net income was down 40.4 percent.
Of course, in 2008, Konami released Metal Gear Solid 4. This lower numbers cannot simply be blamed on no Metal Gear in 2009, however.
Segment by segment, Konami's net revenue for its digital entertainment, or console games, segment dropped 32.5 percent.
"Due to the absence of major titles, such as last year's METAL GEAR SOLID 4 GUNS OF THE PATRIOTS," Konami notes, "the overall sales fell this quarter as compared to the same period the previous year."
Rest easy, Konami, you'll get a new Metal Gear game this year.