In 1981, Sony brought the world the 3.5-inch floppy disk, which for nearly two decades would stand as the PC world's preferred means of storage. In 2011, after 30 years on the market, Sony will cease production of these disks.
Despite the advent of superior mediums like CDs, DVDs and flash drives, the format lived on well into the 21st century both for owners of older PCs and Macs and for storage purposes, many people's old documents, images and most importantly games still taking up megabytes on floppies the world over.
The time has finally come, however, for Sony, the 3.5-incher's creator, to pull the plug, disclosing the decision to end production earlier this week.
I'll remember the format not for its convenience or reliability - two things I thought due to its small size and flimsy nature it never had - but for how it revolutionised video gaming around school playgrounds and offices the world over by being so easy to copy.