To: Ash From: Crecente Re: Eyeball Panic! Remember last year's fund raiser for Child's Play: Funde Razor 2007? Well it looks like I may be hosting another one here in Denver this year. I've already lined up a possible location downtown and even a possible date: Dec. 10. Though I’m still not positive on the date and setting yet. I’m going to be meeting with the owner of the club next Monday to try and work out the details, put down cash and sign paperwork. I’ve been amassing mounds of gaming schwag and other goodies to give away as door prizes at the event and will likely try to get Rock Band 2 set up for some on stage gameplay. Couple of neat things about the new venue (if we get it):The owner is only charging for the soundman, and even that is almost nothing. The place has a bar/restaurant license, meaning it won’t be limited to 21 and older this time around. Instead they’ll just ID at the bar for those who want to drink. The capacity is 300 or so, double the capacity of last year’s event. I’ll make sure to keep you posted on the details. What would you think about maybe sending me an autographed copy of your book to give away? What you missed: LBP Servers AWOL, Media Molecule On It Tomb Raider: Underworld Demo On Xbox Live WoW Gamer Stabs Friend, Nearly Cuts Off Finger Activision Addresses GHWT Drum Sensitivity Check Out My Sweet Pip-Boy Watch Portal: Still Alive Review: This Is Barely A Triumph Frankenreview: Guitar Hero World Tour Custom Metal Gear Solid 4 PS3 Goes For $17,100 Rumor: Sega Channels The Conduit To Wii Breaking Records: How Not to Get in the Guiness Book With a DS
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