There have been numerous tips of glitches coming to our inbox, and it's hard to keep track of what's been reported and what hasn't, and then how serious the stuff is. But Lionhead is aware of them, and is responding. And the notorious Monks Quest glitch is being pursued "as a matter of priority." According to someone speaking for the studio, on Lionhead's official forums:
"If you have already encountered this issue, there is unfortunately no work-around at this time, but we will keep you updated on any progress made. [...] If you want to avoid this issue, when you go to the Abbot for the first time don't run away and leave the region after he has started talking to you. Listen to him, let him finish his cut-scene, and then you are free to do what you wish."
They are also aware of a multiplayer bug that can strip characters of everything, reducing them to level zero with no gold, spells, etc. A highly specific set of things has to happen for it to wipe you out though. Lionhead knows, and responded with this:
We are indeed reading and have logged this as a bug in our database. I was helping one of the dev's fix this earlier so hopefully it will make its way into a title update very soon. Huge apologies for this one, it's a real shame it wasn't caught by test and I'm sorry that you lost your character's progress. This bug only happens when you select a save game in the couch co-op screen straight after childhood so don't worry about this happening elsewhere in the game. Again, sorry on behalf of the Lionhead guys...
It's good that they're paying attention and actually responding, where some others might not acknowledge glitch threads in their official forums for days or weeks. And I know that a lot goes into the creation and testing of a game. But the number of freezes/glitches/wipeouts for such a major title doesn't speak well of the QA process. Here's hoping they catch all of it in their next update. Resolution for Fable II Glitch []