At the moment, Australia's classification laws are stuck in the stone age. There's support for changes from gamers, of course, but hardcore gamers don't have much in the way of political clout. Multinational companies, however, do.
EB Games Australia announced today that it's throwing its weight behind the push for an R18+ classification (ie adults only rating ) for video games in Australia.
Every single store in the country will now be carrying promotional material for the campaign, as well as asking consumers to sign a petition aimed at lobbying the government for changes.
"With the release of the Government's discussion paper, we knew as a company that we needed to act on this issue as it continues to cripple our industry and cost local jobs", EB Games Australia's Managing Director Steve Wilson says. "We did however want to be sure that our customers were as passionate about the matter as we are."
That's exactly the kind of high-profile lobbying that's needed to get the political freight train moving. Complaining about gore and drugs won't win over out-of-touch politicians. But mention local jobs under threat and you'll get their attention. Even if the jobs ultimately report to an American company...