For all the concern over Diablo III's requirement to always be online - and it's a very legitimate concern, given many people's twitchy connections - let's not forget the trivial flip side to that situation: the gamers trying to push the limits of just how connected they can be while playing.
Reddit user puttputt has posted some images of he and a friend playing the game on top of Canada's Mt. Yamnuska (7,349 ft high!), using their laptops tethered to a 3G connection picked up on their mobile phones.
It was hardly an ideal situation, with ping in the 300-2000 region resulting in fairly laggy conditions, but they say it was playable.
Playable and beautiful. That's one hell of a view.
Mom told us to go play outside, so we did. Playing Diablo 3 on top of Mt. Yamnuska [Reddit]