Bungie just showed off some of the public events that’ll be playable in the next version of Destiny, a video game about delayed gratification. I’m not gonna lie: they look fantastic.
When The Taken King comes out on September 15, Destiny players will be able to go to a zone called the Court of Oryx, which is on the new Dreadnaught map. In this zone, players can summon different tiers of bosses—all of whom have interesting special abilities—to battle, public event-style. Summoners will get the best rewards after each of these bosses, but other players can chip in for a chance at cool loot, too.
The footage Bungie showed today on Twitch is pretty damn enticing. Some of the bosses we saw include a bro who switches up shields and a set of three wizards who have to be destroyed within a few seconds before they revive one another. There are three tiers of difficulty, and Bungie says the first tier will be on par with a level-36 strike while the second is closer to Nightfall-level toughness. The third, they left a mystery.
You can watch the full stream here. Cut to the end if you don’t care about the Court of Oryx and just want to see a teaser for the new raid, which Bungie announced today will go live on Friday, September 18—three days after TTK comes out.
Also there’s a sword.
You can reach the author of this post at jason@kotaku.com or on Twitter at @jasonschreier.