Earlier this month, famed YouTuber Pewdiepie (aka Felix Kjellberg) appeared on Conan to promote his new show. After the interview, Conan filmed a “Clueless Gamer” segment, which aired tonight. It was okay, but not great.
There are a couple reasons why this “Clueless Gamer” fell somewhat flat. For one, as Pewdiepie tweeted, he was a “bit nervous.” It also probably didn’t help that Conan didn’t set up that many comedic opportunities for Pewdiepie, or “Poody Pie” as he kept calling him, to do his schtick.
Re-watching the clip I can’t help but feel as though this was a squandered opportunity for both Conan and Pewdiepie. No worries, because at the rate Pewdiepie is going, it’s only a matter of time before he’s on Conan again, promoting his next project.
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