Europe, Capcom's looking at you. That's right, you. The company announced that it established a new local French subsidiary called "Capcom Entertainment France, S.A.S." and has funded it 100 percent through it's continental subsidiary company CE Europe, Ltd. Established with €37,000 in capital, the focus of this new subsidiary is improving local marketing and direct game software sales. Besides France, Capcom also has subsidiaries in England and Germany. According to Capcom: "From now, the foreign home console market is anticipated to expand, and to accomplish future business growth, it's extremely important to strengthen our overseas sales network." With all the cold shoulders and looks of indifference Europe gets from most Japanese companies, sure nice to see someone is serious about the European (and international) market.
フランスにおける子会社設立に関するお知らせ" [Capcom]