It happens far too often. Some kind tipster submits a fascinating video game montage clip our way, full of impressive dexterity. Head to YouTube, click on the video, and the Drowning Pool starts playing. We've had enough.
No offense, but we're sick of hearing "Let the Bodies Hit the Floor," tired of godspeed you black emperor! and the Requiem For A Dream soundtrack layered on top of otherwise excellent gameplay videos. No more Eminem, no more nu metal, no more Dragonforce. And far less Creed. Please.
We're big fans of unexpected musical selections. Gary Jules' "Madworld" on your Gears of War ad? Great! Trans Am and Devotchka for your other Gears of War ads? That's cool too. Bjork in your Spec Ops: The Line trailer? OK, whatever! La Roux in a Bayonetta commercial? Now we're talking.
So, tired of hearing the same music slapped on dozens of videos and just complaining about it, I solicited a little help from my colleagues and passionate music fans Luke Plunkett and Leigh Alexander in an attempt to suggest new soundtrack selections for your next carefully edited clip (or your next video game ad, publisher). Here are those suggestions, all from 2009, just to keep it nice and neat.
Raekwon "House Of Flying Daggers"
You need some hip hop? How about a little Raekwon? Obviously appropriate for the fighting game highlight reel of your greatest hits, but the consistent droning beat is applicable for just about anything. Thinking Eminem? Reconsider Raekwon! [iTunes]
Baroness "A Horse Called Golgotha"
Be less cheesy with your metal soundtrack with some Baroness, from the band's Blue Album. A great build up that leads into a fantastic driving riff with no Cookie Monster vocals or butt rock influences. [iTunes]
These New Puritans "We Want War"
There's seven minutes worth of tribal thumped up mood rock here, meaning you can pick and choose just how dramatic or spartan you want your video game clip montage to be. The video's not so bad either. [iTunes]
Slayer "Unit 731"
You really can't go wrong with Slayer, even new Slayer, when stitching together a montage of impressive virtual murders. Please consider Slayer before resorting to something like "When The Bodies Hit The Floor." Also consider running your entire clip at double speed. [iTunes]
Clutch "50,000 Unstoppable Watts"
You may only know Clutch from their inclusion in spots for Left 4 Dead 2. That's a shame. But! At least now you know one of the go-to acts for future zombie killing footage. [iTunes]
Clipse "There Was A Murder"
It's just what the doctor ordered when he prescribed a hip-hop jam with a fun murderous theme. There's potty talk in here, but nothing you probably haven't heard from some redneck on Xbox Live before. [iTunes]
Jon Hopkins "The Wider Sun"
You want minimal? We got minimal. "The Wider Sun" may be just the right mood setting music for your machinima. Not everything needs a godspeed you black emperor! soundtrack, you know. [iTunes]
Blockhead "Attack The Doctor"
From last year's The Music Scene a low key tune from Blockhead that's a great mood setter. [iTunes]
Hyades "A.F.M.S."
Some videos just call for Italian thrash. "A.F.M.S." should do the job. It also doubles as a good drinking anthem and/or call to arms for your next barroom brawl.
The Big Pink "Dominos"
Further emasculate your victims by posting video of their numerous deaths to The Big Pink. The whole album is pretty solid, but this toe-tapper feels most appropriate for a string of back stabs and head shots. [iTunes]
Mariachi El Bronx "Cell Mates"
Luke surprised me with this choice, but it could be just what your Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood or Red Dead Redemption video needs. Who knew? Older choices from The Bronx, the non-side project version, that is, are also viable montage options. [iTunes]
Big Business "Found Art"
From the Seattle band's Mind The Drift album, a little sludge metal that's potentially perfect for, Luke thinks, your next driving game montage. I'm finding it hard to disagree. [iTunes]
Circulatory System "Overjoyed"
You know, this list has a little too much rock, metal and rap on it. How about some grungy electronic stuff? [iTunes]
Clues "Remember Severed Head"
Hey, they're from Montreal, so don't be surprised by the abstract indie rock. Some good, moody psyche infused rock that is probably a good pairing with your next indie game video compilation. Perhaps you've got some great Braid jumps you'd like to show off? [iTunes]
Sleigh Bells "Crown on the Ground"
Turn down your speaker, because Sleigh Bells' electronic pounder sounds like your woofers are being blown out at almost any volume. It's ideal for decapitations and melee kills.
Florence & The Machine "Kiss With A Fist"
A great pop rock jam that's got some violent lyrics to go along with your similarly violent clip or commercial. Not bad for your next Bayonetta highlight reel. [iTunes]
White Rabbits "Percussion Gun"
Starts off strong with a stellar drum beat and smoothly evolves into a strong rocker. Plus it has "gun" in the title! How appropriate for your next game video with guns prominently featured. [iTunes]
Of course, we also want your suggestions for choice musical selections from the past year, especially if you've gone the difficulty of scoring your own videos. Leave 'em in the comments.