In an interview over at the PlayStation Blog, Sony Worldwide Studios President Shuhei Yoshida shared a few thoughts about the PlayStation 4's interface—or rather, the most recent demonstration of the interface.
"What I showed [at gamescom] was only a small portion of the UI," Yoshida revealed, adding that the system's social aspect was something they "really wanted to show off." He went on to describe what happens when the console's turned on: "The minute you boot up, you'll see all the information about games you own, what your friends are doing, whether there’s any new DLC coming out, or if your friends have shared a video or screenshot. And you can also spectate anyone playing PS4."
Yoshida also talked about the way social networks will interact with the PS4. The console, he explains, records the last 15 minutes' worth of gameplay and also lets players take screenshots—either of which can be shared instantly. "So I tweeted out the screenshot to my actual Twitter account. And if I chose to, I could have posted the video to my Facebook."
You can check out the gamescom demo above, and read the interview in its entirety here. There's some bits about the PS4's extended friends list, Yoshida's love for Octodad, and he even gives a few recommendations on what games to try. Or, should you want to learn more about the PS4, you can check out our treasure trove of collected information here.
PS4 UI and Social Features, Shuhei Yoshida on Ease of Use [PlayStation Blog]
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