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A First-Person Video Game Where You Play A Person Playing A Third-Person Video Game

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GameofGame - Broadband

Say that headline ten times fast, I dare ya. This video shows the game Atum, which is a student entry in the Independent Games Festival at GDC. In it, you play as a person in a room with a PC game, and to solve the puzzles in the game, you have to use objects from the room around you. It's a very cool idea, and well-executed.

Atum was developed by a collaborative student group that met one day a week over about a year at the Breda University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands. I could see this idea being spun out into a much bigger game, with screens everywhere and all sorts of layers. Sort of like Perspective with an Inception twist. PerspecCeption, perhaps.


You can play Atum for yourself for free through the game's website.