Yeah, I know. Skrillex game channels The Legend of Zelda. Seems like it might be bad, or at least, haphazard. But as it turns out, Skrillex Quest, a new browser game, is really pretty cool. It comes as something less of a surprise considering that it comes from Jason Oda, the same guy who brought us that amazing Perfect Strangers game.
The setup is interesting: A golden NES cartridge has gotten a piece of dust in it, and as a result the game within has become corrupted and covered with glitches. You, the protagonist, must take your sword and fight through a series of rooms in an effort to defeat the glitches inside the game. All the while, Skrillex music plays.
The whole thing comes together well: the glitches are chaotic and colorful, and the music and cued sound effects work. I can't believe I'm saying this, but this promotional browser-based Skrillex game is totally worth your time.
Skrillexquest [Official Page, thanks Jason!]