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This Gamer Energy Drink Gives People Erections

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There are numerous companies that churn out energy drinks. Some of them even market their beverages to gamers as "fuel". But how many video games have energy drinks designed to help you get it up after your first round of sex? 3DS game Senran Kagura Burst does, that's for sure.

Akahige Pharmacy, "Red Beard Pharmacy", is once again teaming up with Senran Kagura for a rebranded version of its "second battle" tonics. The shop, which is located throughout Japan, sells over-the-counter fertility aids, lubes, penis pumps, and other things. In English, the Akahige dubs itself as an "energetic medicine speciality shop". The pharmacy, its mascot, and the newly rebranded tonic appear in the recently released Senran Kagura Burst.

So now gamers can once again drink a Senran tonic while playing with their hardware!

「閃乱カグラ Burst-紅蓮の少女達-」仕様の栄養ドリンク第2弾が発売に [4Gamer]

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