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Nintendo-Branded SD Cards? You Got It

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Over the years, Nintendo has been in a bunch of businesses: From playing cards to love hotels, from LEGO rip-offs to, now, video games. The Kyoto-base game maker is now releasing Nintendo-branded SD cards.

The high-capacity SDHC memory cards come in 8GB and 16GB and are for use with the Nintendo 3DS.

Nintendo's 3DS is sold with a Toshiba 2GB SD card, and these new Nintendo-branded ones are for players who wants larger SD cards.


Officially licensed SD cards were released for the Wii and had the console's logo printed on them. This time, the SD cards say "Nintendo".


Both will go on sale this December in Japan, with pricing to be decided by retailers.


任天堂、SDHCメモリーカード8GBと16GBを12月発売 [Yahoo!]

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