I'll be honest with you. In terms of execution, this isn't the greatest Fancy Pants we've ever run. But in terms of effort, this one's right off the charts.
There's so much enthusiasm on show here, from the foam Mega Man to the terrifying piranha plant, that it just goes to show: Cosplay doesn't always need to look perfect, it just has to come from the heart.
And it's not all A for Effort. A few, from the Adventure Time gang to Resident Evil's Nemesis to Final Fantasy's Edea, get an A for execution as well!
Fancy Pants is a look at the world of cosplay (costume play), where people dress up as their favorite video game characters. Sometimes it works! Sometimes it...yeah.
As seen on Cris-Nemesis.
As seen on Hopie-chan.
As seen on confuzed-anime-fan.
As seen on Eressea-sama.
As seen on CrystalsCosplay.
As seen on Windnstorm.
As seen on LooksLikeAcookie.
As seen on Arzeroth.