Friday, Totilo noticed someone sitting ringside with a 3DS at WWE SmackDown's recent event in Spokane, Wash., apparently capturing the action with the device's 3D camera. (Kotaku commenter Dr. Zaius: 'Guy was watching the match through the 3DS's 3D lenses. 'Whoa! It's like I'm RIGHT THERE!'") Yesterday, that guy contacted us to share the photos and explain why he chose Aqua Blue.
"I can't believe my 3DS made it onto SmackDown last night and then Kotaku today," wrote Kevin K. "Actually, I can believe the SmackDown part. I was indeed the guy with the 3DS, I attached some pictures I took to prove it! Gotta love the quality camera on the 3DS."
You can check them out below, but take Kevin's word for it, they are not that superb. He sent me the .MPO files, which I loaded onto my 3DS and, yes, Dr. Zaius, WHOA! It's like I'm RIGHT THERE!.
We did ask why Kevin chose Aqua Blue instead of the more manful Cosmo Black. "I chose Aqua Blue because Hot-Pants Pink hasn't hit the streets yet. They should be showing it off at E3 I hear."
Well played, Kevin.
Update: By popular demand, here are the .MPO files, if you have the means of transferring them to your 3DS' SD card.