Welcome to Kotaku Off Topic, in which nothing that was found in a bar by a drunken employee of a multi-billion dollar technology company must necessarily be discussed. The discussion is officially open.
The key takeaway from today's Gizmodo scoop—or whatever you want to call it—is that I have a new excuse to go to bars. I'll be researching stories. This is what we call a win-win. Fortunately, I'm going to Vegas this Wednesday, so I expect to return bogged down with scoops.
- The wrong way to do biscuits and gravy - Shame on you, Bob Evans.
- LCD Soundsystem - Drunk Girls (HD) - Everything about this song rubs me the wrong way, but I like LCD Soundsystem.
- Christina Hendricks something Esquire something something - Oh, they were nice enough to include pictures.
- Dead rat found in Chef Boyardee can... - ...woman claims.
- Star Wars is coming to Blu-ray, I guess - I watched Return of the Jedi last night and found the Rancor to be of unappealing clarity. Bring it on.