Each week we record a live audio call-in show, modeled off of all those drive-time talk radio shows on the radio. We do this, in part, so you can listen to Kotaku while obeying the speed limit.
If you're not already downloading Kotaku Talk Radio, find it in iTunes or in the Zune marketplace and give it a listen. Hey, it's the weekend, and you could listen to us while you do the yard work. Or you could listen to us while you are at your favorite house of worship this weekend. No? How about while you are out on a date?
Every episode of KTR features your live calls and special guests from the industry, including, in just the last few weeks, top creators behind God of War III, Dante's Inferno and BioShock 2.
Give it a shot if you haven't already and please let us know if it makes you a better driver.
New shows stream live online — and are showcased on this site — every Wednesday at 11am Mountain Time. That's 1pm Eastern, 10am Pacific.
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