By the time this post goes live, you have approximately 40 minutes to purchase Team Fortress 2 on Steam for only $2.49. Why are you still reading this?
I'm going to go ahead and assume that since you decided to read further you either already have Team Fortress 2, it's past 2PM Pacific time when you read this, or you just don't care...though if you didn't care, why are you reading this? The answer is simple - you are stalking me. In that case, you already watched me reading this:
From now until 2:00pm PDT, Team Fortress will be available on Steam for the horrifyingly (to our accountants) low price of $2.49! What else can you buy for that price? That's not a rhetorical question, we're interested in all the things we can buy once those $2.49s start rolling in.
It's either that, or you need a URL to follow in order to reach Steam. There you go. Now hurry, so you can join in on the Halloween festivities!
We're Practically (But Not Actually) GIVING the Game Away! [Team Fortress - Thanks Al!]