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Gus Van Sant And Bret Easton Ellis Working on Suicide Script

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Drugstore Cowboy director Gus Van Sant and America Psycho novelist Bret Easton Ellis are partnering to pen a script based on the 2008 Vanity Fair article The Golden Suicides about the dual suicides of Theresa Duncan and Jeremy Blake.

The film will be produced by Lionsgate, and Van Sant is currently involved only involved as a scribe. He and Ellis will be based on the original article written by Nancy Jo Sales. "There had been reports they had become 'paranoid,'" wrote Sales, "obsessed with conspiracy theories, believing they were being harassed by Scientologists."


Theresa was best known for her work on CD-rom game, Chop Suey, while her husband was a digital artist and graphic designer at Rockstar. She overdosed on pills, while her husband walked into the ocean and never came out. On the back of a business card, Blake wrote, "I am going to join the lovely Theresa."

Gus Van Sant and Bret Easton Ellis Team to Write Suicide Film [Slash Film]