We're in the home stretch of Kojima Productions' master class in drip fed PR. A seemingly endless storm has been raining on a seemingly endless series of countdown clocks.
The storm is over, and now? Now it's sunny — well partly sunny. Geddit, Sunny? Of course, the Sunny character is raised by the Patriots and appears in Metal Gear Solid 4.
There's also a new letter (or number). We can't tell which! Either that's a "B" or an "8".
To review, these letters have appeared on the Kojima "Next" site:
"S" (or number "5")
"@" (or a lowercase "e")
"O" (or number "0")
The following numbers have appeared:
"5" (or "S")
"0" (or letter "O")
...And now "B" or "8".
Countdown clock [Konami Thanks everyone who sent this in!]