Midway filed for bankruptcy yesterday. Grim news, but it's also a bit...vague. It's hard to tell from mere words just how badly the house of Mortal Kombat is faring. So let's use numbers instead.
Short on alternate bedtime reading, GamePolitics have combed through the court records surrounding yesterday's move and found the the list of people Midway owe money to. And how much they owe. It's grim reading, particularly if you're in any way involved with Wells Fargo Bank.
* Wells Fargo Bank - $150,000,000
* Acquisition Holdings Subsidiary - $40,000,000 unsecured loan (Thomas is the mystery man who purchased Midway late in 2008)
* National Amusements, Inc. - $20,147,864
* NBA Properties, Inc. - $17,294,849 (License/royalty settlement)
* Tangible Media, Inc. - $8,675,954
* Warner Bros. Interactive - $6,654,203
* Artificial Mind & Movement - $2,000,000
* Epic Games - $1,975,000 (License/Royalties)
* Walmart - $1,576,035
* Far Sight Technologies - $1,279,151
* Best Buy - $1,114,036
* Target - $934,156
* Technicolor Video Services - $637,769
* Toys R Us - $615,276
* Ditan/Synergex Canada - $578,316
* CBS Outernet - $314,600
* David Zucker - $300,000 (severance pay)
* Multi Packaging Solutions - $287,036
* A.A.F.E.S Headquarters - $276,314
* Kmart - $218,497
* Tigon Studios - $200,000(license/royalties)
* Hollywood Entertainment - $190,982
* TNA Entertainment - $160,000 (license/royalties)
* Professional Films, Inc. - $150,000
* Synergex - Latin America - $149,027
* Pioneer.JB Marketing - $133,353
* Eclipse Advertising - $132,687
* GameStop - $127,250
* Sear, Roebuck - $125,495
You better pay Epic back, Midway. Mark Rein will cut you.
List of Bankrupt Midway's Creditors [GamePolitics]