Those of us who pre-ordered Guitar Hero World Tour were given a little sheet of paper instructing us to go to a website and enter our receipt number in order to receive a special super-secret code that would allow us to unlock all 84 songs included with the game at once. While I play Guitar Hero solo more often than not and prefer unlocking the songs manually, which gives the whole experience a game sort of vibe, I know some of you are impatient and don't want to be stuck playing the songs you don't like when you could be playing the songs you do, so I've gone ahead and printed out a screenshot of the code so the more impatient among us can get their World Tour on. Hit the jump for a screen cap of the code, safely locked away from eyes that would rather just not know. Now I go back to staring at Activision reps with a wild look in my eyes until they announce Stan Bush's "The Touch."
For those of you in the audience who are colorblind, that's Blue - Blue - Red - Green - Green - Blue - Blue - Yellow, though why you folks would be playing the game in the first place just confuses me.