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What The Hell Is Heaven The Game?

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Browsing through the gaming news this morning, I stumbled across box art for a PC title called Heaven The Game. The art looked rather pretty, but I had no earthly clue what the hell Heaven The Game was. Upon snooping about a little at the game's official site, I discovered that it is indeed a game about Heaven, in the biblical sense. It's developed by a company called Genesis Works, whose mission is to "create interactive games that stimulate Christian spiritual growth." The game itself takes biblical descriptions of Heaven and brings them to life, though so far all I am seeing on the website is rendered cinematics. Still, when you have Jesus listed in the character section you pretty much have a built-in fan base and don't need to advertise all that much. Hit the link below to check out the rather compelling cinematic movie on the game's website.

Heaven The Game [Official Site]