Afrika details? Real ones, that actually tell you something about how the game's going to play? Wonderful. Taiwanese site GNN had a chance to play the game at a recent Sony press event, and are able to tell us all about it. Seems Afrika's driven by missions, sent to your camp via email, which require you to snap certain shots of scenes/animals (though it seems, thankfully, with no time limit). To get out into the wilderness for said shots, you have to use a jeep, though sadly you won't be driving it, as that's taken care of by your "AI/tour guide".
Once you're on the scene, photos are taken using Sixaxis motion-control, which determines not only the aim, focus and angle of the shot, but the clarity as well; if you can't keep a steady hand, the photos will turn out blurry. After you've got them, your shots are graded according to "composition, rarity and clarity" and you're given cash by your head office. The better the shot, the bigger the cash reward, which can then be used to buy better cameras. All of which sounds genuinely interesting (if only because it makes a nice change from all the action/killing), but is still not convincing me it's weighty enough to justify this being a full-priced game.
SCET 擴大舉辦媒體說明會 展示《非洲》《劍魂 4》等多款主力新作[GNN, via PS3Hyper]