Bombshell, an upcoming ARPG from the makers of Duke Nukem and 2013's Rise of the Triad reboot, was revealed last year in May with an extremely vague teaser trailer, featuring a girl with a robot arm sitting around and aiming guns. The latest trailer, on the other hand, appears to have some actual in-game footage.
The game's official site went up along with the new trailer, and among other things, it has a blurb about the game's features. This is the part that caught my eye:
Robot-Armed and Dangerous
Shell, shock and shatter your way through vicious, bloodthirsty predators, an augmented alien species, and the remnants of an ancient race re-animated, with more than 10 weaponized arm modifications.
Isometric Ingenuity
Brilliantly brutal isometric shooting layered with classic role-playing mechanics, including experience points, upgrades, side quests, and non-linear levels. All with a twist of first-person shooter mechanics.
That, coupled with the footage up top, makes me somewhat cautiously optimistic. An ARPG with a girl Duke Nukem where you blast aliens. Could be a lot of fun if done well—and the site also mentions that they want to include modding tools, which is always a plus.
Bombshell should be out for "PC and consoles" in 2015. Here's some screenshots:
Questions? Comments? Contact the author of this post at andras-AT-kotaku-DOT-com.