I'm glad I'm not a giant Doctor Who geek, as this is exactly the sort of news that would drive me insane. Eidos has revealed that they will soon be ready to reveal their game based on the long-running British TV series, currently in development for the PlayStation 2, DS, and PC. Other than the fact that they'll be showing it to the press soon, that's all the information available, leaving us with many questions. Which Doctor will the game feature? Current Doctor David Tennant? Fan-favorite Tom Baker? Perhaps Paul McGann from the failed Fox TV pilot? Peter Cushing from the two 1960's feature films? Perhaps a combination? If the first Doctor were featured, would they use the likeness of William Hartnell or Richard Hurndall, who played him in the 1983 episode The Five Doctors due to Hartnell's dying 8 years prior? Man, I'm sure glad I'm not a big old Doctor Who geek, or this would drive me nuts! *twitches*
Eidos Doctor Who game "not too far away" for PC, PS2 and DS [videogaming247]